DISCLAIMER: Nothing against Catholics, the religion and it's priests.
Let me put it this way, I am not a Catholic and I do not know many things about what the "religion" but it seems I cannot stand anymore how what they call as "church" and more so "religion" has been interfering with the affairs of the state.
It has been an issue for quite some time already regarding the Reproductive Health Bill which is still remains to be a bill until this very day since there are many contradictions that come from the church -- specifically the Catholic church. I was silent during the earlier days of this Bill not until this week when Pres. Aquino who was vocal in supporting the bill was threatened by the Catholic church to be excommunicated and they will be planting civil disobedience in case he continues his support with the said Bill. The issue reached it peak when Carlos Celdran, a tour guide at Intramuros walked in wearing a Rizal costume in a church in Manila carrying a placard with the word DAMASO in it. It was his own way of relating what he feels regarding the current issue facing the church and the state again. It may not be the best means to do it but DAMN IT, I SALUTE THIS MAN. You nailed it dude! Mr. Celdran, your message came across and know I too realize that Padre Damaso of Rizal's saga was not merely a caricature of how Spanish era priests were acting but until this day there are still Padre Damaso's around in a holier-than-thou look wearing white robes.
Rizal's Damaso talked of a supposed to be religious person who should be looking of the spiritual health of his people but then he was greedy, self-righteous, sloth, corrupt and even immoral. Padre Damaso can do anything during his time. He was feared rather than respected. He was an issue for a gossip and no blessing can be held in his name.
Today's Damaso hides themselves in several molestations complaints around the world (which I believe was covered by their own churched and even by the Pope himself). These Damasos are those who just receives donations of each church goer but never spared a dime for the needy. These Damasos out there are those who just stay in the comfort of their own convents not knowing that there is the big need for them to handle the spirituality of their flock. These Damasos are just around who tend to speak of holiness and morality but are those in the dark do things which will never please the god that they serve.
You ask me what difference it is that they make? What difference do they have from Rizal's Damaso to some of today's priests? NONE.
It has been a continuous debate in our country with regards to the separation of the state and the church. Whereas some other countries were very successful to implement but our country seems just cannot get over the Spanish era wherein priests have something to say the government. But then think again, this is not the olden times anymore. Year is 2010. A lot has changed. And the government is solely dependent and NO CHURCH CAN EVER DICTATE NO NOT EVEN ONLY A CERTAIN RELIGION on how one should run the affairs of the state. This is my greatest disappointment here in our country how one sect can just threaten to incite civil disobedience just because they do not like a bill which I believe will not hurt anyone but timely. The church is there to remind its people that there is a God. The church is there to make sure that its men and women are growing in a relationship with their God. The church is their to provide place for faith to grow and NOT TO INTERFERE WITH THE AFFAIRS OF THE STATE. The church serves as the conscience to its people and nurtures its people's spirituality reminding them of what is right and wrong. I believe that this the main purpose why we have churches. It doesn't matter what things the government does leave it to the government and if the church finds anything wrong and finds the decisions inequitable, it's not for them to threaten the government with civil disobedience but its for them to pray for that our good Lord will guide our government and lead the in the right.